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System Checker
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  • The System Checker is a tool that allows users on CCL’s Learning Platform to verify that the device they are using is fully compatible with the app. It is a good first step when you are having issues with the platform. It can be located by selecting the Help icon in the top right corner of the screen. 



  • After selecting System Checker from the menu, you will be brought to a new page where the tool begins to work automatically. Items on the System Checker’s list will first appear gray, indicating that the check is still in progress. When an item on the list has passed the check it will turn green, and if it fails it will turn red.  

  • Note: “Domains and Email Addresses” will always appear gray, as this is simply a list of domains CCL's systems operate on, which may need to be added to whitelists such as your firewall or adblocker 




  • If an item turns red, select the down arrow to see an explanation of why the check was failed. In the image above, the user has an ad-blocker enabled in their browser. 

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